Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Summer in the Mountains

Cristina, Jesse, Nate and me outside our dorm

Moose sighting rafting on the Snake River

Kayaking on Jackson Lake!

Visit to Yellowstone 
            A year ago today I had the first skype video interview of my life and was officially offered the job working at Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park for the summer of 2014. I remember the rush of mixed emotions that went through me when the woman interviewing me told me that I was offered the job. I’d spent the last three summers working as the assistant for camp at the San Antonio Zoo, and I absolutely loved it. The zoo has been a second home to me for a big chunk of my life, but that summer, I decided it was time to try something different. I was immediately excited about spending my summer working in such a beautiful place, but I didn’t know that May to September of 2014 would be the best summer of my life so far (note that I said so far, since I think this summer in South Africa definitely has a chance to top that). I had plenty of adventures in that park that I will never forget. I spent my days off going camping, hiking, kayaking, cliff jumping, and exploring that beautiful place as much as I could. I also did things that I didn’t originally expect to do. I sang karaoke in public for the first time, played my first drinking game, nearly got killed by a huge elk, and took chances that the twenty-year-old version of me wouldn’t have. And I don’t regret a second of it.
            Today has me thinking a lot about the day I found out I got the job, but for some reason it also has me remembering my last morning in that park. I left the lodge very early with Jesse, my neighbor and one of the best friends I made last summer. It was still dark outside, but there was a large full moon that we watched dip behind the mountains, perfectly silhouetting them against the Wyoming sky. There’s definitely a piece of my heart that will forever stay in Grand Teton National Park, and I’m sure that someday I’ll go back to visit that very special place.
            I mainly wanted to make this blog post because it is the one-year anniversary of my being offered the job at the park, but I don’t want to make it sound purely nostalgic. My excitement for spending this coming summer in Africa is growing each and every day. As I count down the days, the dream feels more and more like the reality that it soon will be. See you in 71 days, Africa.
            This post’s food for thought: “Going to the mountains is going home.”- John Muir 

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