Friday, November 20, 2015

Summer 2016 Plans!

            Let me start off this blog post by saying that about two years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would live the next decade for me. Meaning- I wouldn’t worry about finding the love of my life, really settling down, or starting a family on my own. Instead, I would focus on doing the things I love, especially the ones that I might not be able to do later in life. One thing I included in that promise to myself was a travel goal. I said that by the time I’m thirty, I want to have been to this many continents, countries, and states (I won’t say exactly what that goal is, but it’s rather ambitious).
            Now, all of that being said, when I left South Africa in July, I knew I would return. At first I said that I would return in summer of 2016, but in the time I’ve been back home I’ve been thinking about that promise I made myself two years ago. Would going back to South Africa further me towards that goal? The honest answer was no, it wouldn’t. Part of me really misses South Africa and wants to return, and I definitely will return to that beautiful country, eventually. But, after a lot of thinking and battling with myself, I’ve decided that next summer I want to try something different. So, without further ado, it’s time to officially announce that I’ll be spending summer of 2016 working and living in a wildlife sanctuary in Bolivia! I’ve already booked my stay with this sanctuary for June first through August sixth, and am already practically counting down the days! This sanctuary is home to a variety of South American wildlife, including several species of wild cats, monkeys, birds, spectacled bears and more, most of which have been rescued from illegal animal trafficking. I imagine my experience with the baboons at CARE this past summer will help out when it comes to working with the spider monkeys and capuchins at this sanctuary- there will probably be some similarities. However, I know each species of primate is unique, so working with these new species will be a great learning experience! I’m also really excited to work with the wild cats and spectacled bears that live at this sanctuary, as those are animals that I’ve always loved but don’t really have any direct experience with. I’ll definitely miss the sharks and baboons that I worked with this past summer, but I’m super excited to get more wildlife experience in the gorgeous country of Bolivia! Oh, and getting more travel experience in general under my belt is going to be an extra plus.
            This post’s food for thought: “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”- Eleanor Roosevelt 

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