Thursday, April 6, 2017

Back to Cape Town!

I made a new friend in Africa yesterday

            Even though yesterday was a no sea day, it turned out to be a very busy, fun-filled day anyway! Yesterday Lucy needed to be taken to the Cape Town airport, but her flight wasn’t until late at night, so we still had most of the day to hang out and do some sightseeing before dropping her off. At eight in the morning, all of the vols piled in the WSP van and, with Jerome at the wheel, we headed back to the beautiful city of Cape Town. On the way we stopped at Stony Point, a spot that serves as a protected area and breeding ground for the African penguin. I’d seen the African penguin before, but had never been to this specific place. I could get much closer to the penguins here than at other places I’d seen them, and it was nice to think that I’ve now gotten a pretty up close look at all of South Africa’s marine big five- African penguin, great white shark, southern right whale, cape fur seal, and various species of dolphins.
            After spending about an hour at Stony Point, we returned to the van at about 10:30 and continued to Cape Town. Tom had headed to Cape Town the previous evening to take care of a few things, so we picked him up when we arrived there at about noon, and parked down by the V&A Waterfront to find a place for lunch. Don’t get me wrong, I love Gansbaai, but after spending so much time around the waterfront back in February when I first got to South Africa, it was so nice to be back in Cape Town!
            We found a restaurant right on the water, near where I caught the ferry to Robben Island, for lunch. I’d actually eaten there with the other vols the last time I was here back in 2015. I figured I hadn’t had enough seafood since I’ve been here, so I got a Cajun catch of the day, and it was delicious! Cape Town is a rather touristy city, especially around the waterfront, and it makes for a great “foodie” city.
            When we were done at the restaurant, the other vols that hadn’t spent much time in Cape Town wanted to explore the waterfront for a while, and I tagged along even though I’d already spent a lot of time there. Jerome wanted to be back in the van by about three so we wouldn’t get stuck in the terrible Cape Town traffic, so not too long after we finished lunch we were back on the road, headed to drop Lucy off at the airport. When we pulled up to the Cape Town airport, Lucy got her bags off the van, hugs were exchanged, and we wished her luck on her future travels. Then, after a really nice no sea day in one of my favorite cities in the world, the vols hit the road back in Gansbaai. Some of us suggested doing a braai for dinner that evening, but by the time we got back in town it was nearly six, so we decided to do one tonight instead; Tom’s got the fire going right now.
            Today has been another no sea day, so this morning we went up to the top house and Tom lead a lecture on shark behavior. Behavior is one of my favorite topics to read and learn about in regards to sharks. Even though just about all of it is speculative, it’s really interesting to think about why sharks do the things they do, especially considering the fact that we see their behavior first-hand out on the boat all the time. After the lecture, I came back and made lunch, then headed out to do a beach clean. Today has been a really windy day here in Gansbaai, so it was a bit of a challenge to do a beach clean, but the wind also meant that the strong waves brought in more trash from the ocean. I was out for about an hour, and my trash bag was nearly full by the time I headed back home.
            I’m currently sitting out in the backyard near the fire with Tom and the other volunteers, listening to music and enjoying the smells of the braai meat cooking. Tomorrow is looking like another no sea day because of the strong wind and swells, so I’m sure we’ll go out and do something else- maybe snorkeling in De Kelders if we can. I don’t really mind no sea days here- I can always find something to keep me busy! This post’s food for thought: “The world’s big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.”- John Muir 

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