Friday, September 15, 2017

Walking in Memphis!

This zoo had a really nice primate collection!

Sea lion show! These animals are always fun to watch

Camel friend I made at the zoo

My first time seeing pandas! 

Komodo dragon- forever one of my favorite species 

                        After four very fun days in Memphis, I’m writing this blog post from my home back in San Antonio. I was going to make this post yesterday, but after a full final day walking around Memphis, and having to be up early this morning to catch a flight, I decided to hold off and do it today.
            As I mentioned in the last post, our plan for the last day in Memphis was seeing the zoo. After having breakfast down in the hotel lobby and heading back up to the room to grab a few things, we called an Uber and headed off for the Memphis Zoo, one of only four zoos in the US that has pandas! I’d never seen pandas before, so I was definitely very excited to cross that off the bucket list.
            We got to the zoo at about ten o’clock- we definitely picked the best day of our trip to do the zoo! The weather was really nice- sunny, breezy, warm but not humid. It turned out to be a really nice zoo, and not just because of the pandas. The Memphis Zoo has a really impressive primate collection, including gorillas, orangutans, gibbons and more. The enclosures for them are really nice, very open and filled with places for them to climb and play on. They also have a decent reptile collection, including several Komodo dragons (one of my favorites!). There’s a tram that goes all around the zoo, and we got two all day passes for it, which was really nice because it meant we could hop on and off whenever we wanted to. It was a really relaxing and peaceful way to get around and just see the zoo.
            Not long after we got there, the tram driver let us know that the sea lion show was coming up, and we decided to get out and see that. We haven’t had seals or sea lions at the San Antonio Zoo for quite a while, but seeing the group of them there in Memphis definitely reminded me of visiting Seal Island and watching the keeper connections when I was really young.
            We did a lot of walking around exploring this new zoo throughout the rest of the morning, including stopping by the camels, which, unexpectedly, was one of my favorite parts of the zoo. The zoo actually offers camel rides, and though we chose not to partake in that, the keeper did bring the camel right over to us at the gate so we could see, touch, and get some close up pictures of. There was also a female camel off to the side of the exhibit, which the keeper told us was pregnant. I’d seen camels at a couple of other zoos before, but I’d never been that close to one, and being that close to them reminded me of something I’d forgotten- camels are really big animals! I know it sounds obvious, but it’s something I don’t think you can fully understand until you’re up close with them.
            After hanging out with the camel and his keeper for a while, we moved on to the pandas. Yes, they are just as cute in person as they are in pictures. There were two in separate indoor exhibits- one just laying down right in front of the glass, the other munching on some bamboo shoots. We stayed around the exhibit for a good length of time, taking lots of pictures and some video of them.
            After eating lunch at one of the restaurants within the zoo, riding the tram around some more, going through the reptile house, and making one last stop at the gift shop, we decided we’d seen the large majority of it, and were ready to go back to the hotel for a while. We’d spent over four hours walking around exploring the zoo, and I think there may have been a few things that we missed, but we got a good look at most of it. Definitely a zoo I’d recommend checking out!
            After relaxing in the hotel for a while, we decided to have our last dinner in Memphis at a place four of five people had recommended to us. When one of the Uber drivers told us about Rendezvous, they said, “It looks kind of weird from the outside, because you have to walk down an alley to get to the entrance. Just trust me, if you give it a chance, it’s delicious.”
            When we got dropped off, we saw what they’d meant. The entrance to the Rendezvous really is right in the middle of a back alley. You can immediately tell it’s a barbecue place- the entire area smells like cooking meat. From the outside, you’d never guess how big the restaurant is. Right inside the front doors, there are stairs leading down- yes, most of the restaurant is underground. Once you get down there, though, it’s a really big space. There are several seating rooms going pretty far back- even though it was a pretty busy night, we got seated immediately. I ordered the ribs, which are made with a dry rub instead of a sauce. I don’t think I’d ever had barbecue that was just dry rub before, and I honestly wasn’t sure I’d like it, but decided to give it a chance. When the waiter brought the plate to me, he pointed to two bottles of sauces that were already on the table and said, “That one’s hot sauce, and the other one’s mild sauce. But try it dry first, before you add sauce.” I was glad he told me that, because as soon as I took a bite, I could tell that it didn’t need any extra sauce. It was a great way to wrap up our trip.

            Well, like I said, I’m writing this post from back home. I planned this trip very spontaneously- I went from just being in a mood to plan a trip to actually having the flights booked within two hours. I’ve certainly never done that before, and I don’t regret it at all. It was a really fun four days in Memphis, and I’m definitely glad that I made these spur-of-the-moment plans. Memphis, thanks for keeping my wanderlust at bay for now. You’ve been a lot of fun. This post’s food for thought: “Quit hanging onto the handrails. Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day.”- Melody Beattie

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