Monday, March 27, 2017

Best Measured in Friends...

Mike and Dax, our cooks last night. I'll miss these guys! 

            The past few mornings have been very busy and shark-filled here in Gansbaai! But I guess I should start right where my last post left off. Saturday afternoon Dax decided that we should spend the evening going out to Oppidek, a pub in town, to watch a rugby game he wanted to see. Jerome dropped us off at the pub at about five, and after hanging out there and watching the game for maybe an hour and a half, we walked a few streets down to a pizzeria for dinner. I know I’ve already talked about this in a recent blog post, but I think that if people back home spent time in Gansbaai, Cape Town, Pretoria, Hermanus, or the other South African cities and towns I’ve been in, their perception of Africa would change. It’s not all third world. It’s not all this dangerous place with criminals around every corner, waiting to strike. Using common sense, most of the places I’ve mentioned are really safe. It’s okay to walk around, even after dark, without carrying some kind of weapon on you. Trust me, I’ve done it.
            Anyway, after some delicious, much-anticipated pizza, we walked over to Seaview, another pub that I’d been to multiple times before. We spent a few hours there hanging out, listening to music, playing a few games of pool, and really living in the moment. Jerome eventually joined us for a couple of beers and rounds of pool, before we decided to call it a night, arriving back home shortly before eleven.
            The next morning was another bright and early one- I’ve gotten very used to being in the garage at 5:15! The others don’t seem to be quite as used to it though- there was space for all the vols on that first trip yesterday, but I was the only one that ended up going on it! The others decided they’d rather get some more sleep than see the sharks, which I think was a huge mistake, since it was a great first trip! We ended up seeing about eleven sharks yet again. There were two trips yesterday, and I was the only vol that ended up going on both of them. The visibility wasn’t bad on that first trip, but by the second, it had gotten milkier. It’s crazy how the ocean here can change within an hour! Jerome ended up getting to go on both trips out yesterday, which was nice. As maintenance manager, he doesn’t go out on the boat too much anymore; it seems like much more often he has stuff to do on land.
            Between the trips yesterday, we all said goodbye to Lindsay before she hopped on the bus back to Cape Town. A few of the crew almost guaranteed that she’ll be back- one week just isn’t long enough. So, as of yesterday afternoon, there are now only four vols here at WSP, and soon it’ll be even less. Sadly, tomorrow Dax and Mike both leave as well. Lucy and I will definitely miss both of those guys. That also means, amazingly enough, that starting tomorrow there will only be two volunteers here at WSP! I’ve heard that we have some more arriving on April first, so it should only be that way for a few days, but that’ll make for a very busy few days for Lucy and me! We can handle it, of course, but it’ll seem a lot quieter without Dax and Mike.
            After finishing work yesterday, we had some time to relax, then in the evening Lucy and I headed up to the top vol house to have dinner with the guys. Mike insisted on cooking, so we played music and laughed with each other as he whipped up some very delicious burgers for everyone. That kitchen is way better for socializing, since there’s seating at the bar right by the oven and stove, so we can all sit and talk right around the person cooking. It was a really nice evening up at the other house, but knowing that it’d be another early morning wake-up call, we called it a night fairly early.
            This morning there were two more trips out to sea, and I got to go on both of them. Lucy and I were the only vols on the first trip, along with crew members Sibo, Tom, Grant, Benz, and Bee. On the second trip Mike and Dax also hopped on, and Mandla replaced Benz. Both trips were really nice, but the first was better, since the visibility was better and we saw more sharks. We saw thirteen sharks on the first trip this morning! Even better, one of the sharks we saw is one of the biggest that I’ve ever seen. He’s a big male that’s definitely over four meters, some think up to 4 and a half. We’ve been seeing him quite a bit recently actually. He’s known in the area as Tiger, since he has a bunch of scars all over his head, that look like stripes. It’s surprising how easy the sharks are to identify and tell apart- just about every single one has some type of scars or defining marks!
            This afternoon, once the trips were over, the four vols helped clean up the boat, then went over to the garage to wash the wetsuits. While we were washing them, Dax initiated a water fight with the hose, and by the end of it we were all pretty much drenched, but laughing the whole time! Afterwards we quickly went home to change into dry clothes, then Benz drove the four of us to Spar, the grocery store in Gansbaai. As we were loading up the truck after shopping, I noticed a familiar face walking out of Spar. Karla was in charge of the vols the last time I was here, in 2015- she’s since moved to a nearby whale watching company. I didn’t think I’d get the chance to see her this time, since she was recently on vacation in Namibia, but turns out I was lucky enough to see her this afternoon, and it was so nice to catch up for a few minutes! She suggested that the vols do one of the evening cheese and wine whale watching trip that her company offers- we get half price! I’m going to try to ask Tom to set that up soon.
            Pretty soon Lucy and I are going up to the other house to cook dinner and hang out with the guys for one last night. I haven’t heard yet what trips are looking like for tomorrow, but hopefully it’ll be a good morning to see off Dax and Mike! That’s all the news for now! This post’s food for thought is one that I’ve definitely used before, but it’s just so true: “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.”- Tim Cahill

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